1- Invest in a pair of headphones – train your brain to think okay its now time to be productive – bring them everywhere with you.
2- Pomodoro technique – 25 min – 5 min off. Multitasking actually. Makes you worse -studies showthat when you multitask you actually get dumber! 100% of your brain goes to this task for 25minutes… then your 5 minutes go get into the sun quick 5 min walk and then get back to it.
3- Make a to do list every single morning / ex laundry, check in with vips, create content, follow new people, 1;1 calls with team. Put this list in your pocket or your notes in phone to see every single day - helps you to narrow your focus!
4- Find your peak hours – this is the hours youre in it! Some people are 4am-7am take care of them then kids up and go to school. Some people its 10am-2pm. Maybe youre evenings and up late. This is your brain power. I personally am a morning person.
5- Clean up your shit! Clean space, if you have stuff in your eyesight it creates distractions – you want your brain to focus.
6- Batch your tasks. Instead of using an hour here on Monday, wednesday, friday, instead on Thursdays record 4 podcasts and done. Now you don’t have to think about it anymore! Figure out what days are your days you need to do things. I personally have 1:1 coaching calls with my team so this day is set for Wednesdays.
7- Are you being busy or are you being productive? Is what you're doing getting you closer or father away from your goals? Ask yourself throughout your day.. “am I being busy or am I being productive?”